New videos of Brussels Multiplier Event

EDA was delighted to co-host the final multiplier event of the Dyslexia@Work project with Alexis Georgoulis MEP in the European Parliament in Brussels on October 13. As well as the in person attendees, the event was livestreamed on Facebook to reach a wide audience. To view the Facebook live video of the Brussels dissemination event […]
Final Project Partners’ Meeting in Dublin

The final transnational project partner’s meeting of the Dyslexia@Work project was held in Dublin on November 5th. The meeting was hosted by the Dyslexia Association of Ireland, with representatives from all project partners in attendance both in person and online. The meeting provided a space to reflect on and evaluate the project outputs, and to […]
Brussels Multiplier Event – October 13, 2022

EDA was delighted to co-host the final multiplier event of the Dyslexia@Work project with Alexis Georgoulis MEP in the European Parliament in Brussels on October 13. As well as the in person attendees, the event was livestreamed on Facebook to reach a wide audience. We were honoured to have messages of support from President Roberta […]
Project Manual and Guidelines on Dyslexia in the workplace published

We are delighted to share the outputs of the final phase of our project, a manual and practical guidelines on dyslexia in the workplace. These have been informed by the earlier research phases of our project and aim to provide operators (counsellors, recruiters, employers, HR managers, public institutions, etc.) with the appropriate tools to identify […]
3rd Project Multiplier Event

Inclusion at Work Contributing to Stronger Economies – Dyslexia@Work Date & Time: Thursday 13 October 2022 from 14:30 to 17:30 Central European Time. VENUE: European Parliament, ALTIERO SPINELLI Entrance, 60, rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels.Room: SPINELLI 5E2 (5th Floor). Alexis Georgoulis, Member of the European Parliament, and the European Dyslexia Association (EDA) invite you to participate […]
Phase 2 Action Research Report Published

Phase two of the Dyslexia@Work.EU project was an Action Research phase aiming to bring to light knowledge, skills and good practices in terms of dyslexia and SLDs by workers and professionals who work in various capacities within companies and employment agencies in the five participating countries. 106 structured interviews were conducted with sector operators in […]
2nd Project Multiplier Event

How can we facilitate the inclusion of people with dyslexia in the workplace?Learn from the results of the European Erasmus+ Project Dyslexia@Work.EU Dyslexia@Work and the Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes invite you to participate in a conference / multiplier event to disseminate the results of the project. The hybrid event will be held on April 1st 2022 in Lyon, […]
“Dyslexia in the workplace: the state of awareness in Europe”, the first dissemination event of our Dyslexia@work.EU project

Our conference “Dyslexia in the workplace: the state of awareness in Europe”, the first dissemination event of Dyslexia@work.EU project will take place on October 1, 2021. The conference will be translated simultaneously through a system that will allow you to choose the language. We invite you to register for the event by filling out the […]
Project Partners Meeting

Today we held a meeting of the project partners. Our main focus was to review and analyse the emerging results from our Phase Two research interviews with companies and agencies across the 5 countries. Partners will continue to work analysing the results and finalising the Phase Two report over the next two months ahead […]
Phase One Report Published

We are delighted to announce that the Phase One report of our Dyslexia@Work Erasmus+ project has now been published. The report is a Comparative Analysis of the laws and regulations concerning dyslexia and employment in the 5 European countries which are participating in this project (Italy, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta). The Comparative Analysis report […]