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Our conference “Dyslexia in the workplace: the state of awareness in Europe”, the first dissemination event of Dyslexia@work.EU project will take place on October 1, 2021. The conference will be translated simultaneously through a system that will allow you to choose the language.  We invite you to register for the event by filling out the online form available at this link.

Dyslexia@work.EU is a relevant ERASMUS + project focused on the inclusion of people with dyslexia and other learning disorders, in workplaces. The goal is to facilitate the access to employment for people with LD’s, who in Europe amount to 15 million citizens (including employed, unemployed and job seekers) out of an estimated total of 31 million people with LD’s.

When put in the right conditions, (e.g. equipped with the appropriate compensatory tools that reduce the impact of the disorder) people with LD’s are excellent workers and professionals, at all levels, including management.

The project aims to achieve a dual objective: on the one hand to identify a set of good practices, methodologies and tools that allow companies, recruiters, public and private employment services, even in the presence of specific difficulties such as dyslexia, to being able to appropriately assess the abilities and talent of a dyslexic candidate; and on the other hand, provide opportunities for dyslexic adults to approach and calmly face the research and selection phases, job placement and professional growth, minimizing the fatigue and discomforts that dyslexia entails.

The final result will be the drafting of a guide aimed at all the professionals interested in recruitment and the creation of guidelines that could translate into regulations aimed at the inclusion of individuals with LD’s in workplaces, for the countries of the EU.

The online conference will take place on Friday 1 October 2021, from 09.30 AM to 12.00 PM (Central European Time).

The event aims to present the results of the first two phases of the project. Phase 1 was dedicated to the comparative analysis of the legislation on LD’s in the workplace within European countries.

The objective of Phase 2, on the other hand, is the collection of information (through semi-structured interviews) to detect knowledge and specific skills in the field of dyslexia and the market of work.


The objective of Phase 2, on the other hand, is the collection of information (through semi-structured interviews) to detect knowledge and specific skills in the field of dyslexia and the market of work.

09.30: Opening greetings

-Andrea Novelli, AssociazioneItaliana Dislessia(AID)President

-Rosie Bissett, European Dyslexia Association (EDA) President

-David Sassoli, European Parliament President

-Anna Rossomando, Vice Presidentof the ItalianSenate

-Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament

09.45: Dyslexia@Work.EU project: actions implemented and future activities–Enrico Ghidoni, neurologist, AID representative for Dyslexia@Work.EU project

10.00: The dissemination of the results through the project website and social media –Rosie Bisset, CEO Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI), EDA President

•10.10: Comparative Analysis output (Laws and Regulations in the 5 European countries participating in the project) – Ruth Falzon, Senior Lecturer at University of Malta, Secretary Malta Dyslexia Association (MDA)

• 10.30: Methodology and tools for phase 2 – action research (semi-structured interview scheme, interviews administration, quantitative and qualitative methodologies for data analysis) –Krzysztof Szadejko, PhD in Educational Sciences with specialization in Pedagogical Methodology

• 10.45: Main results of the action research: the state of awareness about dyslexia and LD’s in workplaces –Sara Bocchicchio, psychologist, AID member of the research group for Dyslexia@Work.EU project

• 11.30: Questions &answers

We invite you to register for the event by filling out the online form available at this link.

Two days before the event you will receive via email:

A certificate of participation will be issued to all those who fill in the satisfaction survey of the event, delivered during the conference. For any further information queries please email

We look forward to your participation at this conference, and to sharing the results from Phase 1 and 2 of our project.

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