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How can we facilitate the inclusion of people with dyslexia in the workplace?
Learn from the results of the European Erasmus+ Project Dyslexia@Work.EU

Dyslexia@Work and the Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes invite you to participate in a conference / multiplier event to disseminate the results of the project. The hybrid event will be held on April 1st 2022 in Lyon, France; you can attend either in person or remotely online. 

SCHEDULE (Central European Time):

The draft programme can be viewed below.


Advance registration is required. Click here to register

Registration closes on March 28, 2022.

VENUE: Hôtel de Région Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes – 1 Espl. François Mitterrand, 69002 Lyon (France).

This is the second multiplier event of the Dyslexia@Work.EU project, and it is delivered in partnership with: Fédération Française des Dys (FFDYS), European Dyslexia Association (EDA), Associazione Italiana Dislessia (AID), British Dyslexia Association (BDA), Malta Dyslexia Association (MDA), Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI) and University of Insubria.

The 3rd and final multiplier event will be held in Brussels in October 2022.

DRAFT PROGRAMME (subject to final changes):

Event moderator: Vincent Lochmann (FFDys)

PART ONE: The Dyslexia@Work.EU research project (14:00 to 17:00)

14:00   Institutional Opening

Welcome addresses from leaders of the Région Rhône-Alpes, plus association presidents Nathalie Groh (FFdys), Nicole Philibert (Atoutdys) and Andrea Novellie (AID).

14:30   Dyslexia throughout Europe

What about dyslexia according to the country – Speaker: Ruth Farrell (Malta)

15:00   Dyslexia in adulthood

15:00   Presentation about the difficulties associated with adult dyslexia – Speaker: Audrey Mazur-Palandre (France)

15:30   Presentation about the life course and support of adults with dyslexia – Speaker Aurélie Richard-Mornas (Neurologue, Bron)

16:00   Presentation of the cognitive picture of adults with dyslexia – Speaker Sara Bocchicchio (Italy)

16:30   Conclusion and closing remarks – Speaker Rosie Bissett (DAI & EDA)

PART TWO: How to facilitate inclusion in the workplace of persons with dyslexia (17:00 to 18:30)

17:00   Welcome speech by Laurent Wauquiez President of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region

17:10   Good practice presentations – videos from France, Ireland, Italy and Britain.

17:20   Round Table Discussion: Vincent LOCHMANN (moderator) with a panel including an employer, a recruiter and a young adult with dyslexia.

17:45   Presentation of the draft guidelines and manual – Speaker Audrey Mazur-Palandre (France)

18:00   Discussion on Implementation and changing the practices – Speaker Pernilla Söderberg (EDA)

18:15   Conclusion and closing remarks – Speaker Cristiano Termine (Italy)

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