Inclusion at Work Contributing to Stronger Economies – Dyslexia@Work

Date & Time: Thursday 13 October 2022 from 14:30 to 17:30 Central European Time.

VENUE: European Parliament, ALTIERO SPINELLI Entrance, 60, rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels.
Room: SPINELLI 5E2 (5th Floor).

Alexis Georgoulis, Member of the European Parliament, and the European Dyslexia Association (EDA) invite you to participate in a multiplier event to discuss the results of the project Dyslexia@Work.EU an Erasmus+ KA2 project created to increase access to employment for people with dyslexia. The event, in the presence of project partners, will be held in person on October 13th 2022 in Brussels from 14:30 to 17:30 Central European Time.

To ensure a smooth organisation advance registration is required. Please only register if you can attend in person in Brussels on October 13th. Registration will close on October 6 at 2pm CET. To register you will need to provide identity information required for the European Parliament (EP) building security protocols. On the day of the event, please remember to have your passport and/or national identity card ready to be granted access to the EP building. You can register now at:

Language: The event language is English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the room in the following languages: French, Greek and Italian.

We invite you to review the project outputs ahead of the event on October 13. The results of Phase 1 and 2 are available to download on the project website and our final 2 outputs, a Manual and Guidelines on Dyslexia@Work will be published at the end of September.


14:30 Opening address and welcome – Rosie Bissett, President of the European Dyslexia Association, and Alexis Georgoulis, Member of the European Parliament.

14:40 Welcome addresses

15:00 Phase 1 results: A comparative analysis of legislation, policy and practice. Ruth Farrell, Malta Dyslexia Association.

15:15 Phase 2 results: Research with employers and recruiters on dyslexia in the workplace. Cristiano Termine, Associate Professor, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy.

15:30 Phase 3 Results: A manual and good practice guidelines for employers on dyslexia in the workplace. Audrey Mazur, Research Engineer, University of Lyon, France.

15:55 Sharing Perspectives. Panel discussion with employers, employees, project partners

16:45 Introducing EDA’s next projects including:

16:55 Closing remarks – Enrico Ghidoni (Associazione Italiana Dislessia) and Rosie Bissett (European Dyslexia Association)

17:00 Closing reception and networking

17:30 END

This is the third and final multiplier event of the Dyslexia@Work.EU project (Erasmus+ 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007433), delivered in partnership with: European Dyslexia Association (EDA), Associazione Italiana Dislessia (AID), Fédération Française des Dys (FFDYS), Malta Dyslexia Association (MDA), Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI), British Dyslexia Association (BDA) and University of Insubria.

This event on October 13 is delivered with the support of: